Barricades and Dances (2015)
K3 - Zentrum für Choreographie I
Tanzplan Hamburg
19./20. Juni 2015 // 19.30 Uhr
Gefördert durch
Kulturbehörde Hamburg
Alfred Töpfer Stiftung FvS.
'Barricades and Dances' is an assemblage of wooden pallets, car tires, umbrellas, paving stones and human bodies. These things, that have taken part in social protests, are agents and witnesses of upheaval, resistance and the composition of environments of collective action. By building unstable constructions with them, we enter into a specific form of negotiation.

The process of construction creates space for a careful physical encounter and diverse forms of dedication: We dance for the assembled objects, with them, and we leave space for them to dance on their own. Thereby, the performance enables forms of proximity and engagement with things and looks for entangled ways of being together of humans and nonhumans.